Your Monty Python was chef’s kiss. What else is dark humor for if not for times such as these.

Praying for and with you.

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Laura and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day -- I bet you’ve read this classic. Now you’re staring in it. Crap, crap, crap.

Unbelievable about the pit being scrutinized AGAIN. What a rollercoaster. The fear, the joy, then the disbelief they’re looking again, then elation it’s fine! This is the third worry about it, I think? Exhausting.

Let’s stave off the bad news now, seriously 😒

Rest. Love. Believe. Begin again. 🤍

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May 9, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

Reading and praying along with you, Laura!

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May 9, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

Oh gosh Laura!

I’m so so so sorry you’re having to go through all this. I’m pulling back up all my arm pit prayers for you. Hoping you find scattered moments of joy throughout all these hard days. Praying praying praying. Xo

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May 9, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

Wait…there’s an OVERUSE of the f word? Nope. Not for you, not right now. My church choir sang an anthem that I think of when I think of your circumstances lately, it’s called “Raise Your Hands” and one line says “ When you start your day with nothing, and you end with even less…” Everything you’re going through is horrible and we hate it for you. When you cannot raise your hands to heaven because you’re exhausted we will continue to do it for you. We love you.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

At the various Maher houses around the country, we even have mayo on the table for the main Thanksgiving meal. And each house has a ‘mayonnaise dish’ in our cupboard. Ask your mom. Blessings to you.

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Praying constantly for you Laura. I am Irish and was brought up on Hellman’s mayonnaise. We had it on Wonder Bread. And yes, the day after Thanksgiving we had turkey sandwiches with tons of Mayo and salt.

I am praying for a miracle. Sending love and hugs. Keep the Irish humor going 🙏💗💚

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May 8, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

Mayo has a fantastic oncology genetic counseling dept. They will listen and love you through all your genetic testing results, questions and crying jags. If decide to have your treatment there, ask about an appt with them. I know it will feel like needing tell your story to one more person is one too many (Ugh), but most people find a conversation with a GC very helpful.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

Prayers are constant thru each waking hour. And even/especially at3am... Jesus seems to want to chat 💬 then... 😇 bless you soooo dearly with continued strength 0just for this moment”

Sending so much love ❤️‍🩹🥰and HOPE ⚓️🙏🏻⚓️

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May 8, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

Ugh! Laura! SO MANY PRAYERS. It's a special kind of purgatory to get a cancer diagnoses and then have to wait and wait until actually starting treatment. I saw a comment that you're looking for worship/Jesus music - here's my playlist that is bringing some light and grace into my hard days.


I only started liking mayo and few years ago and am married to a man who is completely white sauce averse - mayo, sour cream, ranch, sometimes alfredo. I keep telling him that he's going to get his Midwestern card revoked, haha.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

One of my good friend’s son was diagnosed with neuroblastoma which is not one of the childhood cancers where they’re like “good news we are good at treating this!” and I remember telling her that my shameless prayer for her was that she would be eventually dealing with the stress of managing a kid with hearing loss (I happen to have 2 of those 💁🏻‍♀️🤪) bc it would mean that her son was ALIVE and that it was her only concern. That was about 6 years ago…kid is rocking his hearing aids and I’ve had more than a few heart to hearts with her about best FM systems and who to talk to about assessing whether he needs to get a cochlear implant ❤️ so I’m going to pray that prayer for you. May the most stressful health concern in your life become hearing loss management AMEN

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May 8, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

We had Miracle Whip in those jars - no mayo. Quite the shock when you get married to a man who will only eat Mayo and no Miracle Whip. We are still together 38 years later - both in the fridge at all times.

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Praying, praying, praying for that pit! And for this news about genetics. I’m so sorry, friend. Thank you for this update. You are so loved.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Laura Kelly Fanucci

On IG, you asked for worship music.

Here's one of my many YouTube playlist of some of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1C6fqYDTu8Qk4Rp0MnKSJTJrOhzHjSX7. I'm constantly editing and updating it, so....

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